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"Evan yang tinggal di rumah tantenya, setiap hari dia melihat pemandangan dari tantenya yang selalu berpakaian seksi dan yang membuat gejolak hasrat jiwanya semakin bergairah . Sudah satu tahun suaminya menceraikan dirinya, karena suaminya mempunyai simpanan dengan seorang wanita rekan kerjanya satu kantor, Fany mempunyai usaha sendiri, membuka toko pakaian di kota tersebut ""Udah selesai semua, kamu mandi dulu, lalu kita makan bersama"" Tante Fany menyuruh Evan untuk mandi, supaya badannya lebih segar ""Iya Tan, badanku sudah lengket"" lalu Evan berjalan ke kamar mandi Tante Fany menyiapkan makanan untuk mereka berdua, setelah Evan mandi dan sudah rapi lalu berjalan menuju ke meja makan, sambil menyantap makanan mereka mengobrol tentang Evan yang mau kuliah ""Kapan kamu mulai masuk kuliah Van?"" Tante Fany menanyakan kapan Evan akan masuk kuliah ""Dua hari lagi Tan"" balas Evan sambil memasukkan nasi ke mulutnya ""Sepeda motor yang ada di garasi, kamu pakai aja Van, karena motor itu sudah lama gak kepakai"" Tante Fany menyuruh Evan untuk menggunakan sepeda motor yang sudah lama tidak di pakai ""Makasih Tante"" ucap Evan dan tersenyum kepada tantenya Mereka berdua melanjutkan makannya sampai kenyang, lalu Evan membereskan meja makan itu dan hendak mencuci piring yang sudah kotor tersebut, Evan membawa piring hendak di cuci"

"Volume 1: INHERITED SECRETS Raine is the daughter of a renowned detective who died in a murder case. Determined to unravel the truth behind the death of her love ones, she had to follow in his father's footsteps of mixing with the murky waters of murder and mystery. However, the hole she dug herself turned out deeper than she thought. When she became involved in a crime she did not commit, the justice she yearned for her parents would be at risk. Raine and her squad would have to face an unimaginable series of crimes and thread along the dreary path of solving cases."

"Get ready to howl at the moon and be swept away by a mesmerizing tale that will capture your heart! Tyler Conan knows he's different from everyone else, but he never thought he was destined to play a crucial role in the future of the werewolf race. When he meets Ada Miller, another Green Eye werewolf, Tyler realizes that their fates are entwined and they must work together to save their kind. But their fight against the evil Xirays isn't the only thing that's heating up - Tyler and Ada can't deny the sparks flying between them, even though Ada already has a boyfriend who means the world to her. As if things weren't complicated enough, Ethan, the charming owner of a bookstore, gets caught up in the supernatural chaos when he discovers his rare ability to see through the Xirays' deceitful facade. Suddenly, Ethan is exposed to a world he never knew existed, and he can't help but feel drawn to Johnny, a man who's still struggling to come to terms with his own sexuality. With danger lurking around every corner and forbidden love blossoming in unexpected places, this tale is one you won't want to put down. Will Tyler and Ada be able to save their race and find happiness together? Will Ethan and Johnny have the courage to embrace their love? Find out in this gripping, unforgettable adventure!"

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Chapter 1

"""I will spare them if you become my plaything. Let me use you whatever way I want.” “Ok.” Her voice was labored and out of breath. ""It seems that the idea of becoming my toy is appealing to you?"" He grinned. ""For how long are you going to keep me?"" ""Until I am tired of you."" She could feel the tears welling up inside her eyes. She was not going to show weakness in front of such a vile man. ""Now that we have agreed, take your clothes off."" *** Selena was the Alpha's b*st*rd child who was despised by all. In an ideal world, her envious stepmother would have killed her, but because of her Alpha blood, her father allowed her to live. On her 18th birthday, Selena was sold by her father to an elderly Alpha who just desired a breeder. Her life suddenly took a turn for the worst after five years of agony with her forced mate when her pack was taken over by the vicious Alpha Cayden, who also killed her mate. Selena had given up on life and was wishing for death, but Cayden wouldnt let it. He desired to use her as a plaything and a toy, something to demonstrate to others his ability to seize and make use of anyone's mate. Was there more to his act? Would he use her until she lost the will to live? Love or revenge which one would win?"

"The world was unstable when hellhounds attacked and began annihilating humans. That instability was our undoing. Now the United States has a new government that may be more corrupt then the former one. We only won the first fight because Shadow Warriors came to our rescue. An alien race, hiding among us for centuries, they saved humanity and then humans betrayed them. Now the hellhounds are back and one woman holds the fate of the world on her shoulders. Her name is Marinah. King, leader of the Shadow Warriors, wants humans dead. He doesn’t care that the woman the Federation sent is doing something to his internal beast. Even though killing a woman is not something he wants, as leader, he may have no choice. Enter a world of hellhounds, monsters, and evil as two unlikely people discover that love may hold more answers than war. Genetically Modified is created by Holly S. Roberts, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author."

"The one-night stand turned Camilla's life upside down. A man whom she hated the most took her virginity. Afraid to tell her parents who claimed her that night, her parents want an abortion. She refused and left her home to raise her son alone. After five years, Camilla meets the father of her child, Nikolai. Turns out the billionaire business tycoon Nikolai Russo is the owner of the house where she works as a maid. Hiding her son from the real father is her ultimate goal until her contract as a maid ends. But things change when Nikolai finds out about the woman he claimed that night, which is Camilla, and the son she's hiding from him all those years. He tries to get closer to his son but he doesn't notice that he's also getting closer to Camilla. They both try to hide their feelings from each other because Nikolai is already engaged to a woman chosen by his parents. But how long will they hide it?"

"Emily a sweet, beautiful, intelligent young girl abandoned by her parents at birth, now living with her adopted parents Lilian and Joseph Bush who kept on maltreating her, enduring the harshest of treatment from them. Emily caught the attention of Lorenzo Leonardo son of an Italian Mafia Don who happened to be her seatmate in school. Upon the death of Lorenzo's father he was supposed to take over as Don of the Italian Mafia but only if he fulfils the condition of getting married. Who did Lorenzo ended up marrying? How did life turn out for Emily? How come Lorenzo's elder brother and mother never inherited a penny from their late father? Who killed Lorenzo's father? Read along............"

"Jasper, a young school boy of Nineteen years old, finds himself in a mission he never think of. He was mistakenly given the mission of spying a village called Tacha of their hidden treasures. However, Sebastian, village hunter and Gwendolyn the princess were in love but their love was damaged by the arrival of Morgan, the second guy sent to get the hidden treasures before Jasper. Jasper ended up living a three different identities, all in the quest of looking for the treasures. Did he find the treasures? How did he ends up with three identities? What is Gwendolyn's fate after Sebastian's death? Find out..."

"It was nearing Elizabeth's eighteenth birthday and strange things were happening. Strange things usually happened to her, none that could ever be explained. She was just a normal human girl, who happened to be extremely fast and strong. As her birthday approached she heard this voice in her head, it had always been there but muffled, but now as it grew nearer the voice became louder and more pronounced. When she would ask her mother, she would just brush it off saying it was all in Elizabeth's head. But was something else happening? Did her mother know about it? Is there something different about her? Will she ever learn her families secrets and find out who and what she really is?"