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"Megan Starks and Damon Zahan are two strangers suffering same fate -heartbreak from previous relationships- and need company to while away time. They click and hit things off pretty quick: a journey from the bar to the bed. No strings attached. But then, what is supposed to be a night stand brews pregnancy, driving Megan to search for her baby Daddy. She is dire need of financial assistance as her search for her Baby Daddy proves futile. Desperate and left with no choice, she applies to be a surrogate and she hits her jackpot when she is taken. But what she doesn't know is that her Baby Daddy and employer are not only related but are sworn enemies. And when their paths cross, she is stuck between choosing who will father her kids."

"To the outside world, Dulce Florencia was living her best life with a successful father and a beautiful and kind stepmother, but the truth couldn't be farther than that. Her stepmother's plot with her supposed best friend to drug her and hand her off to some lackeys is thwarted by Aspen Mckenny, CEO of one of the biggest companies in the state. One blissful night of passion with the CEO leaves Dulce with more baggage than she could carry, pregnancy. Now she's forced to make a decision to leave to protect her kids, while Aspen search for his mysterious lover. Five years later, Dulce is back with a successful fashion career and two kids, one with a striking resemblance to the CEO. Will he let it slide? And forgive her for stealing his seeds? Follow Dulce's journey of revenge and love."

"Hope you have your drug with you?"" Zoe inquired as he ogled at her keenly before placing a kiss on her neck. ""Yes bunny, you have nothing to worry about,"" he said with a wide grin. ""You know what kisses on the neck make me feel,"" Zoe told him as he bent closer to her face before crushing his lips on hers tenderly and softly, after some minutes they both pulled away as he glanced at her. ""You taste like strawberries,"" he said, trying to kiss her again but she turned away. ""The flight attendant is staring,"" Zoey said with a blush and red cheeks. ""Alright, but you should apply whatever you apply on those lips always because they turn me damn on,"" he said, making Zoey's eyes bulge. He sure had a great way of teasing her which was undeniably sweet."

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Chapter 1

"Elizabeth: Hace mucho tiempo que no me sentía así, insegura, al borde del colapso. Ahora no solo he perdido a mis padres, sino también a la única persona que me mantenía al ritmo tan agotador de esta vida. Nunca antes pensé que la tradición de las personas más importantes, las únicas personas de mi vida, fuese tan doloroso. Y ahora no tengo más remedio que desaparecer, que comenzar desde cero pero no tengo a donde ir, no tengo a nadie, excepto por ellos, y ambos me han traicionado. Pero ahora todo ha cambiado gracias a él, nunca antes pensé que él podría ser de ayuda para mí, siempre pensé que me odiaba pero ahora… ahora dudo. Él realmente es bueno, nunca antes había pensado que tuviese una faceta tan… ¿amable? Es extraño. Mi vida ha cambiado completamente en este último mes. Pero gracias a él, se que puedo salir adelante, él me está enseñando a que puedo tomar mis propias decisiones. Cristian: Todo es un desastre. Ella es un desastre. Se que debo de apartarme de ella, esto solo me traerá problemas, pero algo dentro de mi me lo impide, ella necesita ayuda y al parecer yo soy el único que se la puede dar. No tiene a nadie en este mundo y algo me dice que si la dejo sola dejará de luchar, dejara de intentarlo. Y ellos ganarán."

To rip her off of her house and saving account, her husband, together with her best friend coaxed her into a divorce and set her up by staging a scene where she was caught red-handed. In a blink of eyes, she was utterly disgraced and had to start a new life abroad without a penny on her.

"""I will ruin you for any other man. I will be your first and your only, Arabella. You will not survive me."" His voice whispered in my ear, rough and husky. *** Luciano Since the day I watched my family die before my eyes, I have craved revenge. To inflict pain on my enemies. And now, that revenge is in the form of my rival’s daughter. Sweet, innocent Arabella Bianchi. My plan is to make her my slave, breaking her until there is nothing left of my captive. But as time goes on, my wolf threatens to undo my hatred for her. Slowly, the lines between love and hate begin to blur, a bond I cannot accept. And I won't because monsters like me deserve no love."

"My entire existence has led to this moment, the day I finally put an end to this misery, the day I pay tribute to the sacrifices of my loved ones, the day I grant freedom to the human race. All it requires is a simple pull of the trigger. I desired this, worked tirelessly for it, but inexplicably, I find myself unable to complete the task. “Do it,” Bas urged in a soft whisper, a gentle smile playing on his lips. How could he find solace in a moment fraught with tension? His eyes locked onto mine, a silent challenge. Unable to contain the tears streaming down my face, I felt a flood of emotions. Sensing my hesitation, Bas delicately laid his hand on mine, guiding the gun closer to his chest. “I love you,” he uttered to me. No, I couldn’t endure this any longer. I shook my head, the pain becoming unbearable. “We do this in 1…2…3…” ***"" In a world where werewolves coexist with humans, Rebecca faces a daunting prophecy: she must become the mate of the infamous Alpha’s son, Bas. Every century, the moon selects a human girl to fulfill this prophecy, destined to bear a child for her mate and then be sacrificed. But Rebecca refuses to accept her fate. Can she defy the prophecy and protect her loved ones, or will her rebellion lead to tragedy? And when she starts developing feelings for someone forbidden, what will the consequences be?"

She might be selfish, reckless, and you can even say rebellious. Just like every other teen. But she also loves her family. Which is why when Eve Morgan's best friend is murdered under mysterious circumstances, nothing and no one is going to stop her from discovering the truth.

"Are you willing to marry a drop-dead gorgeous Billionaire in order to keep you safe? Is Celeste strong enough to accept all his wrong doings? What if she'll know that he cheated with her best friend on the night after their wedding? Is she able to forgive him... just to stay as the billionaire's wife?"