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The intern, Clarissa Johnson slept with the president, Damien Lawrence during a company team-building event.She knew that Damien had a childhood sweetheart and that what happened was nothing more than an alcohol-induced frenzy.As such, Clarissa ran away in secret and acted as if nothing had happened. She never would have expected Damien to summon her for marriage just two weeks later. That was how Clarissa married into a wealthy family where she received the Lawrence family’s adoration. However, Damien was never friendly to her, not even for a day…

"Love doesn't work the way people thought! Melissa Harts happened to be a victim of a confused and frustrating love triangle. As a young adult, she had to struggle over the urge of pretending to love a playboy, billionaire, and the favorite legitimate son of his father. Loving Williams Hughes eventually turns out to be her worst punishment. Been caught in the painful web of love, should she pardon love or despise love?"

"Crystal Blues, a young woman from a low-class family, endured the tragic loss of her parents when she was just twelve years old. Left with the weighty responsibility of caring for her younger sisters, she faced a challenging path ahead. Fortune smiled upon her when her path crossed with an archangel in the name of Mervin Brooklyn who offered his assistance, thus lightening the burden she bore. As fate would have it, Crystal eventually obtained evidence pointing to her parents' murderers, only to discover that they were part of a formidable and powerful family. Life took an even more complicated turn when she found herself entangled in a complex love triangle. Her affections were torn between Mervin, her guardian archangel, and the daughter of the family responsible for her parents' demise. Fuelled by a burning desire to bring the responsible family to justice, Crystal made the bold decision to reveal the damning evidence she held against them. However, the tables quickly turned, and Crystal's loved ones were thrust into jeopardy, becoming bargaining chips in exchange for the proof of the family's wrongdoing. Now, she stands at a harrowing crossroads, forced to make a life-altering choice that could either rescue her from impending tragedy or condemn her to a painful repetition of history."

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Chapter 1

"Cynthia is a pregnant cheerleader. Her boyfriend ghosted her immediately after she told him the news. Her brother's best friend, the hockey captain Asher, threw a party and invited all of her boyfriend's flings, and they unite to dump him in public. Cynthia said, ""Thanks for always being a big brother to me."" Asher raised his eyebrow and asked, ""Brother? How about your baby’s dad?"""

"Gianna Flores is a very beautiful amd intelligent girl who has a painful past which she is trying to forget. Her past makes her shield herself from the world and creating a giant wall between her and everyone around her except her family. Alexander McQueen is every girl's dream boyfriend,he has a dream of becoming a musician which is Father doesn't agree to. Alexander and his family move to a new neighborhood to start afresh meaning Alexander had to change into a new college. Discover how Alexander and Gianna path cross ways and the changes they bring into each other's life and also the unexpected feelings that come up. Watch out in this intriguing story. * * *"

"They are six in numbers. Dominion Ulan! A detective on a case of serial killer and kidnapper single and not searching.Parent dead as told,at least she was made to believe that!. Malcolm Micheal! Head detective of Ulan department both in search of serial killer and kidnaper. Single and not searching. Her parents are alive and cold-hearted when it comes to love. Malcolm Nora! 16 years old,a cute student of Diamond high entangled with two hearts at her school. Das Luci Das Hardin! The two heirs to the Das are arrogant and bitch respectively of course count as one family. Lastly! Miguel Jacinthe and Johnson Blaine! Two commoners but hard working doctor and detective respectively. Some years back it tended to be a top between some families which left some of the families dead! Alive and poor,alive and richest! ""Who is the devil? How come they dine with the ENEMIES? Question left untold"

"The day she met him, reminded him of the night he saw her The day she lost her everything, resulted, in the night he got her for a lifetime The day she got a new life, that night snatched his everything The day she made her dream come true, that night, his everything became a nightmare. Everyone assumes that if they get the chance to replay the past, they can play everything right. But is it possible to rewrite fate?! The king of the mafia world! The biggest businesswoman in the technical world! Can there be any possibility for these two to meet each other?! Even if that happened, will the world accept it? What will happen when fate itself is on the path to play, with both these two and the ones surrounding them. What will happen when it is all a déjà vu for everyone, still, they ended up making it worse than before. The day tried to hide every secret, but the night unveiled them all. It is said that we all have a turning point in our lives. For them, it was, “THE DAY AND THE NIGHT”. !!A story where the side roles will write the story of the ones in lead!!"

"Shah Zain was holding her with one hand while opening his shirt button with the other hand. Meanwhile, he didn't let Minal separate from him for a moment. ""Shah Zain please, it's not right time, it's too early."" She was trying hard to control her unsteady condition, but who was listening to her? ""Nothing is early Minal.... and today you can't stop me..... because today you himself come close to me."" He picks her up in his arms and lays her on the bed. He bends on Minal while saying that. Feeling his lips on her neck, Minal feels like losing herself. ""Shah Zain please....."" For the last time, she tried to free herself from his hold. But Shah Zain again stops her from uttering anything. He just wants to feel Minal's closeness with himself. He wants to say how much he loves her."

"Ace's heartfelt confession filled the atmosphere of the comfortable condominium. Drawing nearer to him, her pulse quickening, she softly murmured, ""Ace, I feel the same way about you."" A long-anticipated surge of affection ignited between them, yet tension simmered in Isabella's apartment across town. Avery's tolerance for Isabella's deceit had worn thin, and suspicion had begun to creep in. Avery's hand landed on Isabella's face with a sharp slap in a swift, startling motion. ""Tell me the truth, Isabella,"" Avery demanded, her eyes ablaze with anger, ""or our friendship will come to an end right now."" Secrets hung precariously in the balance, and the room quivered under the intensity of their confrontation. Honesty stood as the threshold to a tale of love, friendship, and redemption in a world where hearts and destinies collided."