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"Juste Isaacs wants to break free from their clan's barbaric nature. So when a skillful human tribute, Chastine, becomes captive of their tribe, he runs away with her and together they seek to find the cure for his mutative bloodline. Will they succeed in finding the cure? Twists, turns and tilts follow them as they set out on a quest to seek out the Remedium."

"Annabella is just a regular omega and Alonso is the Alpha’s son who lost his ability to walk many years ago. What would happen when date brings them together and shows them who they truly are. The Broken Alpha"

"Cassie is demoralised, beaten down, defeated, then she rises from the ashes of rejection to discover the truth behind the mate bond, the unavoidable connection that comes from finding her other half. but will she allow herself that joy? Jack is the Alpha who lost his Mother to a mysterious illness and his Father to the mate bond, can his painful past be healed with the acceptance of a mate?"

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Chapter 1

Luego de una colosal y mortífera pandemia que asoló todo el mundo, provocando 20 millones de muertes, las evidencias apuntan que la catástrofe fue provocada por un despiadado y tiránico mandatario quien intenta eliminar todo tipo de pruebas que lo involucren para evitar ser ejecutado por las autoridades. Los científicos que crearon el virus deciden, también, eliminar todo rastro, incluyendo una dosis de una extraña fórmula que causa la inmortalidad, hecha para contrarrestar ese mortífero virus, y qué mejor forma de esconderla que inyectándola en una hermosa científica, pensando en provocar su muerte, sin darse cuenta que ese fármaco convertirá a esa mujer en una máquina para matar, en una asesina perfecta. Ese es el trama y título de esta apasionante novela, muy actual, polémica, controvertida y que tiene todo: acción, intriga, suspenso, amor, romance y un sin fin de emociones y vértigo por doquier. "La asesina perfecta", la científica inoculada con esa mortífera sustancia, se vengará en forma despiadada de quienes intentaron matarla y tendrá además la necesidad de amar y sentirse amada, buscando con desesperación el amor. Un relato muy ameno, fácil y sencillo, que impactará al lector de principio a fin.

Sarah de Montfort is a virtuoso violinist whose family ghosts sometimes stop by for a visit, and whose love life frequently crashes and burns. Aiden Cooper is a werewolf exiled from his Pack because he'd rather use a pencil than his claws. As they face prejudice, vampires, a new college and Sarah's parents, they come to realise what it is that makes them perfect for each other.

"Alpha King Maddox nips at my ear. “Do you like that, little flower?” I moan an answer as his other hand slides my nightgown down off of my shoulder so his mouth comes down on me, his tongue lapping at my sensitive skin. ***** I''m just his breeder, traded for a debt. But can I convince King Maddox I could be more--so much more? *Isla* When my pack Alpha takes me to the castle to see the king, I have no idea he's trading me for a personal debt. Scared and alone, I contemplate what might happen to me and miss my family. But then I meet King Maddox. His reputation for being cruel is a contrast to the care I see deep in his eyes. Is it possible he could develop feelings for me? A poor girl brought to the castle to complete a task? I am just a tool to him after all. Or am I? *Maddox* After my wife died, I had no intention of falling in love again, but I need an heir. A simple solution presents itself in the form of a beautiful girl, given to me in exchange for a debt. But the more I get to know Isla, the more drawn to her I am. Is it possible she's just the one to make me forget the tragic night my wife died... a night I take full responsibility for? With pressure from other Alphas to marry one of their daughters, and rumors that Isla isn't who she seems to be, my decision will not be easy. But then, I'm the Alpha King. My decisions are never easy. I hope I make the right one. Because Isla is starting to get under my skin--I want to be on top of hers. Forever Season 5 now available!"

"“I only married you for revenge. You are not my wife nor will I ever consider you one.” *** When the cold-hearted billionaire, Dariel Cannedy, got cheated by his ex-wife, he decided to marry Saafia Blooms as revenge. To him, it was- ‘My employee married my wife and I will marry his girlfriend. Simple as that.’- just to hurt the cheaters, to break them, to make them suffer. Saafia was against all of it, she believed in forgiveness, in kindness but Dariel’s heart was tainted black. Two people. Different thoughts, emotions, lives, demeanor. They were like light and dark. Still got married. Working this mismatched marriage was impossible; an incomplete tale- can they make the impossible possible?"

Xavier Starkborns, the most dangerous and the most powerful creature all over the globe. He can do anything, he can have anything. He doesn't show mercy to anyone, he is rude and arrogant and unimaginably hot. But what happens when an ordinary human girl, who doesn't like to be controlled, crosses his path? Tiny excerpt:-"You think I'm a monster, you're right actually." He speaks as he immediately leaves one arm of mine and his hand travels straight to my face, to keep it from moving.Panic is on its way to crash on me as I'm trying my best to distance myself from him, but he is not moving even slightest.I reflexively tried to push him away by the trembling arm of mine but he, in a split second, pushed his body to mine, killing every distance we had. My breathing starts to become heavier as I struggle even harder to get out of his grip."I should really show you what monsters do." He says while he starts to kiss on my neck and harshly sucking at a particular area.Well, did I mention that Xavier Starkborns is the Vampire King?And is that human girl really ordinary?

"Contains Mature Language! •••PROLOGUE••• She was light He was dark She was Sweet He was Stubborn She was innocent Flower He was Thorn In Flower She was full of Positivity He was all about Darkness And HE WAS DOMINANT SHE WAS SUBMISSIVE ______________________ ""I said don't come near me!"" She said while slipping back in fear on the deserted road in the dead of night holding her lehenga. ""I will!! You can't stop me!"" He was slowly moving closer to her in a menacing tone. ""What do you want? Why don't you leave me?"" ""I want you, Only You!"" Saying this he grabbed the girl's arms with a jerk and pressed her body to his hard body. She was looking at him with fear and tears in her eyes. ""Please don't do it!"" She pleaded softly. ""Sweetheart! I have not done anything yet! And if I do, you will not be able to do anything"" Saying that in one stroke, that person hanged that girl on his shoulder like a sack. She yearned to get rid of him but to no avail. The man almost slammed the girl on the bonnet of his car parked in the middle of the empty road and held her wrist with one hand and held her above his head. He put his entire weight on her and came close to her face and caressing her soft lips with the thumb of his other hand, said ""Beautiful faces looks even more beautiful in agony of anger.... like you"" And as soon as he said this, he pressed his hard lips on the soft lips like petals of that girl, due to which the girl sobbed. ___________________ Want to know further? So Start reading it. It have mature elements so read it at your own Risk."