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"""I will fück you whenever and however I want! Say you want this!"" He hissed. A pleasure moan escaped her throat. ""Yes sir, I__I want this."" She panted breathlessly. He hesitated for the briefest moment. ""What is my name, Faith?"" She didn't delay in answering. ""S_sterling Hunter"" These were the very words that sealed her fate. A story in which a Billionaire became obsessed with his secretary, there were no rules in the game of lust and desire, he would stop at nothing to make her his. Lies and manipulation was all Faith Jameson ever got from the men she dated. She thought she could trust her boss, little did she know that she had been a tool in his hands all along, she was no more than a pawn in his deceptive games. Would it be too late escape from the webs he had built? Or would she play the game of chess he started?"

"Her fiancé, now a relocated resident, called off the wedding on the day they got the marriage certificate. Her best friend celebrated her newfound singlehood after a night of drinking. However, she woke up to a surprise marriage with a police officer. "Sorry, my family's from the countryside, not well-off," he explained. "No problem, my income is unstable too. Let's manage together." Little did she know, her seemingly idle younger brother held numerous patents and a fortune worth billions. Her adoptive parents, known for farming, were agricultural tycoons with fields spanning the nation. Astonishingly, her biological father turned out to be the chairman of her own company, entrusting it to her care. Her government-assigned husband wondered, "Is this what you meant by not having a well-off family?" She pointed at a young entrepreneur on TV, saying, "Is this what you meant by an unstable income?" The young entrepreneur remained silent, thinking, "Earning billions or trillions annually, isn't that the epitome of income instability?"

"Cassana has only wanted two things: to be a wizard and to get away from her small village. However, certain circumstances have been holding her back. Now it seems like she's going to be stuck in her hometown forever, but she is not quite ready to give up on her dreams yet. Minos is not a difficult man to like, charming, eloquent and brash, he has all the makings of a swashbuckling adventurer. So when the mysterious Prince of Zephyrus called for an expedition to find the missing Sword of the Godslayer, the only weapon known to have killed a god, Minos was the first one to step up to the task. Cassana and Minos met under stressful conditions, and it's made evidently clear that they don't like each other. But if they both want to achieve their goals, then they have no other choice but to put aside their differences and learn how to work together."

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Chapter 1

"Anne Jenner has the ability to read another person's emotional index, knowing if that person is happy, sad, or angry... But when Edward Mitchell was next to Anne Jenner, she saw his emotional index change. abnormal changes, even at all times average, even quite low. That means that he does not feel happy when the two are alone. Anne Jenner was recruited by Edward Mitchell to Soul Entertainment, starting his career as an actor. Anne Jenner and Edward Mitchell were in an ambiguous relationship. In Edward Mitchell's mouth, Anne Jenner was his ""girlfriend"", but she did not feel that way. Although she had doubts and disappointments in her heart, she still chose to trust him. Anne Jenner gradually discovered that Edward Mitchell did not really love her, he would not reply to her messages, nor would he notice her for a long time. Amelinda Ciara, Edward Mitchell's ex-lover returned home after receiving treatment, debuted again as an actress, starred in a movie with Anne Jenner, and intends to return to Edward Mitchell. Anne Jenner discovered that all the girls around Edward Mitchell, including her, have the same temperament as Amelinda Ciara. She was extremely angry, and questioned Edward Mitchell, but only received the answer that a generous amount of money was transferred to a bank account and an implicit ban on all showbiz activities. She left Edward Mitchell, but soon, Edward Mitchell regretted his decision. He finds a way to get her active again and pursues her again."

Maximus is the true monster of your nightmares. His beast has to be kept locked away or it will cause destruction in there path. He is the monster that disappears right before your very eyes and you will never see him coming. But what about the girl who sees it all. Will she be enough to conquer a monster or will she put herself in danger by trying?

"""Aha…"" I moaned while digging my fingers into his lustrous black hair while the stranger was busy sucking my nipple. ""You are liking it, aren't you?"" He whispered into my ear. My clit throbbed as I felt his magical fingers crawling down my waist, sending sparks of lust into my body. Lacing his fingers into my lace panties, he pulled them down and tossed them out of the bed. I shot out a loud moan when he ran his fingers up and down my clit. My heart throbbed when I saw his giant cock springing out of his underwear. Fuck! It was dripping already. He was eager to fuck me but I was scared if my innocent pussy could accommodate it. I crossed my legs but he harshly spread them apart and kissed my clit. ""Fuck! You are wet already,"" he said, licking my clit. You need my dick badly, don't you?"" I blushed when he read my mind, and was thrilled to lose my virginity to the handsome stranger to humiliate my husband. ------ Tonight was meant to be my wedding night where I should have been fucked by my husband but after how he left me at altar all alone and humiliated in front of the world, I decided to give away my virginity to a stranger in the hospital where I work."

His expression darkened when his eyes fell to her lips. ”What are you doing to me?”“What do you mean?” She whispered, her eyes trained on his firm lips. She willed him to kiss her. Willed him so much that if she’d had her powers, he would already be kissing her that very moment.Just when she thought he was going to close the remaining distance between them and kiss her, he shoved her away so hard, she stumbled for a bit before righting herself. "Get dressed."------When Bran comes back from war only to find out that his parents have been killed and his sister, captured by a powerful sorceress, he captures her, bringing her back to his castle and locks her up, torturing her. But as time passes, the seductive sorceress refuses to break and Bran begins to realise that his feelings for her aren't as malicious as they used to be. With every heated look that passes between them, every stolen kiss and every accidental touch, Bran's resolve begins to crumble. When he captured the sorceress, the plan was to torture her until she gave him his sister's location, but now...now, Bran isn't so sure what the plan is anymore.They are supposed to be enemies. She is his captive, and he is her captor. They shouldn't want each other.But they do--with a passion that burns hotter than their hatred for each other.

"I used to live my life believing that there was something corrupted within me. I had never felt comfortable walking in the searing, bright daylight. It felt as if I didn't belong there. Is that why I felt this sudden attraction to a man who seemed to be the embodiment of darkness? Ashtar Malachious resembled the sum of my sexual fantasies. The shades surrounding him were like a captivating essence. Others called him the predator, the fallen, or the death. I knew that, but my eyes saw him differently. He saved my life in more than a literal way. He seduced me, slowly enticing all my senses. He showed me what a touch could feel like. He let me taste the pleasure I had never thought existed. The one thing he wanted from me was my blood. I knew that if I gave it to him, it would be along with my body, heart, and soul. His irresistible aura blinded me to the dangers that surrounded me. Like a moth to the flame, I stepped closer until the hellfire licked my flesh. Then the wicked flames revealed the cruelest truth—this love kills. In the end, one of us will die."

"Meredith, a cooking club’s new member, has grown up always feeling like she is waiting for someone. Being riddled with sad dreams that always left her waking up with a wet face, fear of loud noises, and a birthmark on her temple, has always felt like there is someone she is missing. Randall, her classmate, swimming club’s new member at BSU has also spent his life searching for someone whose faces he can not remember. Until destiny brings them together due to some circumstances that they have to pretend to fulfill Don Warrick dying wish which is a fixed marriage. Meredith accepted it because her mother wanted her to get married for reasons she didn’t know and to pay off all the debt left by her late father. And Randall to get its inheritance. The pretense that led to a beautiful love story. But when they finally love each other, they will be disturb by their bad dreams about the two people they have been looking for for so long. Would Meredith and Randall accept it if they knew that the person closest to them was the root of the tradegy in the past?"