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"If you like hair-raising mysteries, complex characters, and stories that blend science and magic, then you'll love Cecilia Dominic's Lycanthropy Files series. Book One - The Mountain's Shadow She's a scientist who doesn't believe in werewolves. That won't help her if they tear out her throat. Joanie Fisher is one breakthrough away from curing Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome. But when suspicious events sabotage her career, she's forced to continue her life's work in the estate of her missing grandfather. Deep in the Ozark Mountains, Joanie's research at Wolfsbane Manor takes a turn when a real-life werewolf asks her for help. As she continues the search for a cure, missing local children and a chilling family curse collide. When Joanie discovers the truth, it may be too late to stop a devastating threat that could destroy the entire world… ""THE MOUNTAIN'S SHADOW is a complex, sometimes chilling paranormal. Author Cecilia Dominic has you so deeply involved in this story that you cannot put it down."" - Fresh Fiction Book Two - Long Shadows This time, being true to herself could be a deadly mistake. Lonna Marconi likes to solve problems. The hard kind. A social worker by day, P.I. in her “spare time,” she’s figured out how to handle her little “werewolf problem.” After a dose of wolfsbane, her physical body stays safe in bed while her wolf goes spirit walking. If only she didn’t have a mind of her own… Deep in the Appalachians, Lonna learns a family secret that means she’s unique, even among werewolves. Now she’s pursued by a rogue sorcerer with poisonous intentions, other wizards who’d like to throw her in a gilded prison, and a band of ghostly wolves thirsting for her blood. Worse, there’s only one man who can protect her, and even he demands a price: her heart. Even though his own may be forever beyond her reach. Book Three - Blood's Shadow The disease has teeth…but the cure could be deadly. As Investigator for the Lycanthrope Council, Gabriel McCord went above and beyond his official title to keep werewolf kind out of the public eye. Now he has a new challenge as the liaison to the Institute for Lycanthrope Reversal, advocating for humans turned werewolf against their will. The Institute’s controversial “treatment” is generally accepted – until one of the project’s scientists is found murdered at his desk. The suspect list is long: purists who believe lycanthropism is a non-returnable gift; wolf-borns who want the cure for their own; and the ethereal Selene Rial, an Institute psychologist who’s lost her most precious possession to a secret society dedicated to the annihilation of werewolves. If Gabriel fails to solve this case, the fragile peace between wizards and lycanthropes could shatter, and his friends’ lives could be ruined. But even if he succeeds, he has to face the consequences of his heart being pulled in a dangerous direction – a woman whose secrets could destroy them both. ""Book three in The Lycanthropy Files series, is a compelling page- turner filled with vivid descriptions and well-rendered characters..."" - Romantic Times Bonus novella - A Million Shadows Witches, werewolves, and murder - oh, my! “I have read everything in this series, and this book was the best one yet! I loved Kyra and Jared, and I really felt the chemistry between them.” – 5-star review"

"“I heard you are getting married “Liam Wu drawled. “Gege, how is that any of your business? “Clay Wuyan asked in anger. “My business is your business. Aren’t you the one who kissed me four years ago? “Liam Wu moved closer and towered over him. “ You b*st*rd, you don’t deserve to be near me’” Clay Wuyan seethed. ****************************************************************************************** Step Brothers Liam Wu and Clay Wuyan's life had changed since their parents died. Things got worse when Clay Wuyan kissed him and announced they were not siblings. Remembering his promise to his adopted parents Liam to protect their son, he escaped Beijing for Wuhan city. He witnessed a car accident on the highway and saved Mafia Boss Selkath Shi. But a year later Selkath passed away leaving Liam Wu in charge of the mafia. When Liam takes over the Mafia, he realizes that Zira Zhen is not satisfied with Selkath's last wishes and is ready to overthrow Liam, even if it means killing him. Ram Su Cheng, Liam's assistant finds out that Clay Wuyan is engaged to his boss Kate Meifeng. The worse news is that Zira Zhen is already headed to Beijing and his key target is Clay Wuyan. Will Liam be able to save his beloved Clay Wuyan and their Love?"

"Alpha Betrayal is a novel that deals with the uncertainty of a wild pack, ruled by strong Alphas but broken down by bad leadership. It conveys the lust for love when it turned out that one of the female Alpha Raina betrayed the wild pack after her long crush for Matt, whom she had admire was being taken away from her by a mere stranger. Raina, knowing she have lost a severe emotional breakdown when Matt told her that he was in love with Anna. She ran to Andre who has always threatened to destroy the alpha pack and take Their city, and told him every plan and movement Alphas have made to destroy him. Andre on the other hand, knew that Anna's blood was the only thing that can help the vampires take over the whole Kingdom, but always got threatened by Matt, who vowed with his life to ensure that Andrea don't get what he want While all this was going on, a series of death from Matt friends and kingdom occured to the extent that he almost lost Doyen, his father. Andrew heard about all of this incident going on and decided to make a deal with Matt. You hand over Anna to me and I will share my blood with you and your people and that way they can live for as long as they want. Andre said Will Matt take this offer, will he hand over the person that can make Andrea more powerful for the life of his father and the entire kingdom or turn him down ?"

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Chapter 1

"Two figures, different destinies. Contrasting paths, yet joined together. Fanny and Louis, though from different species and backgrounds, were forced to work together when they found themselves in certain challenging situations. They had to disregard generations of hatred between their two races. Through the series of adventures the two must help themselves on, would they form a bond? If so, would that bond tell their different races a story? Or would they choose to rivet back to the old ways? Louis has fallen for her but will she ever love him back, or will her dislike for his race and pack keep her in check? ••• His eyes darkened, his lips quivered and before he could chicken out, she moved in on him. His mouth tasted like O-positive blood — her favorite. With his hands firmly on her waist, Fanny let him deepen the kiss, savoring the way his tongue teased her. She let out a soft moan when he nibbled at her lower lip, shivering as his left hand slid up and down her back while the other rested on her bum. A minute, two minutes and the two were gasping for air."

"Timothee Ellesmere lived as an ordinary person. His grandmother raised him since he was a baby all by herself. Life was difficult in the beginning until a kind couple helped them get back to their feet. They found a new home. Timothee made new friends but just as he started another beginning, a boy will turn it all upside down. Terrence Aurora, son of the couple who owns the land Timothee and his grandmother live in. Terrence is the future alpha of Moonstone, the land Timothee did not realize was a territory of a pack of werewolves. ""Kneel, you mutt!"" Those were Terrence words when they first met but Timothee was a force to be reckoned with. He was not an ordinary person. He was a werewolf, too."

"Soraya González es una hermosa top model famosa que solo deseaba ganar suficiente dinero para poder retirarse y poder formar una familia. Hasta que Vichenzo Raguzza un poderoso mafioso se encaprichó con ella cuando lo rechaza. Por culpa de su madre se ve obligada a someterse y la compra para su deleite… y la obliga a convertirse en su esposa. Como la esposa de Vichenzo, el resto de sus días prometían ser un infierno. Y el día de su boda Soraya escuchó, sin querer, los planes horrendos que su esposo tenía para su futuro juntos... una venganza contra ella. Desesperada y temerosa del extraño que se había convertido en su marido, huyó angustiada de Italia a otro país. Mas había olvidado el poder de Vichenzo y su férrea voluntad que lo movía para reclamarla como suya para saciar su obsesión."

"Un matrimonio infeliz que terminó en divorcio, no podía tener una segunda oportunidad. Ashley estaba convencida de eso, pero su exmarido trataría a toda costa de volverla a enamorar. Sin embargo, ¿se puede perdonar una infidelidad? . . . Quédense a descubrir el desenlace de esta y mis otras historias. Les aseguro que no se arrepentirán."

"I can’t believe I fell for a man that cares less about me. The days and nights we spent together, everything didn’t make any significance to him. I glared at him with nothing but disgust and bitterness. Cheating on me is one thing but cheating on me with Maria is another. I can’t believe this he is the Kyle I loved. ""Get out of my house."" I faintly said, I can’t even scream at him, he isn’t worthy of my yells. ""Oh come on Tara, don_"" ""Get the fuck out!"" I cut him off ——————————————————————————- Tara is a simple lady whose identity is hidden to keep herself safe. When Tara lies to be in a relationship with a handsome stranger in order to get back at her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her, she carelessly lets in the stranger in her house who is known other than the most wanted criminal in the city; Andrew Black. She and Andrew each have a reason for needing a relationship and agree to pretend to date, of course, Tara has no clue of the reason behind Andrew’s agreement. As they get to know each other, it’s only a matter of time, before they fall in love with each other. Living together, Andrew never told her the truth about himself nor did she tell him about her true identity. In a roller coaster of lies and love, she and Andrew come across each other’s hidden secrets, but what happens when the tables turn and Andrew takes away Tara’s most price possession?"

"“Who is the father of your child.” Doctor smith inquired. “Francesco Binachi” “You should abort this child.” Dr Smith said fearfully to her. “No” Rosalie said firmly. “They are very powerful people Rosalie; you can’t fight them.” Dr smith warned her. “Who said I am going to fight against them. I am going to live my life. This child is my life and I will fight alone.” Recently widowed, Rosalie Turner never imagined one drunken new year party will make her life hell. She was pitted against the one most powerful family in the country who will do anything protect their name and son. But Rosalie decided to stand up. For her………. For her unborn child………… But can she win…………. Betrayals……… Hate……… Love……… And Revenge."