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"""You know the rules Noah"". Drew says, clocking the gun in my face while smirking at me. ""If you can't pay me before the deadline. I take away the one good thing you love dearly. But in your case, the two good things you love dearly"" I've always had my life planned out for me, race, skip classes, race again. My whole life centered around illegal street racing because I loved it and also had a huge debt left to me by my father that I needed to pay. And Drew, my boss, leader of a notorious gang, Snakes and Ladders, was a man of rules. But I also had my own rules. Never fall in love or hold anything dear because in a snap of a finger Drew could take it all away from me. But that was until a hazel eyes brunette helped me treat my wounds from a racing accident. And a green-eyed little girl a female version of me, appeared on my doorstep claiming to be my daughter. Hi, Author here. You can follow my page on Facebook for updates and fan arts@Chimdi Jane Samuel Reach out on Twitter @janelovescoding and Instagram @chimdi_jane_samuel This book HAS NOT been published anywhere else apart from GoodNovel so if seen elsewhere please report to me or send an email @ janesamuel308@gmail.com"

"""You belong to me."" His husky voice washed over Kon, and he felt his body, arching towards him, despite his resolve not to allow the devil to own him. ""You are mine, love. No one else is permitted to touch you, except me."" The devil's whisper was like a caress to his naked skin. **** Being a young boy desperate to complete high school and pay off the debt his mother owned, Kon never expected to run into the mafia Lord known as the 'DEVIL' A man who has no emotions. The sadistic devil who cares for nothing else in this world but to bathe in the blood of his enemies. Just one meeting with him and his fate was rewritten. He was not only bought by the Devil but he was also possessed by him. Now, he's on the run, from the devil who's determined to have him, back where he belonged. Back in his bed, and on chains."

"80 million worth is the book. Danger zone is the past edit. Updates will be in 80 million worth and not Danger zone."

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Chapter 1

"ADULT CONTENT/EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. ""Asahd, I am betrothed. You can't tempt me like this,"" ""So you do admit I am tempting to you, my darling?"" ""What will my father say? What will your parents say?"" ""Does that matter? I want you. Do you want me? Say the words and I will marry you,"" ""I am already betrothed..."" ""Does he make you feel the things I make you feel? Does he entice you? Does he excite you? Does he seduce you? Does he desire you? As much as I do? You know the truth. I will never let you be his. You are mine."" * Prince Asahd Usaïd, Prince of seduction and sensuality. He has everything he wants, from the ladies to the sultanate's riches. Only son and child to his parents, he is sure to take over the throne. But he is spoiled, way too narcissistic, rude, careless, and proud. He hangs out with the wrong people and leaves his name in every nightclub. All these, bother his parents that are honorable people. They come up with the best form of punishment for him. One that is sure to make him change. Will the pretty boy survive, living the ordinary life? A seducer, a god, a Prince. Read to discover his adventures and how he handles the situation his parents will put him in. But most importantly, watch him seduce and prey until he gets what he wants, 'Who' he wants."

"Daniel Ford is a man haunted by the ghosts of his past, a past that was robbed from him ten years ago. He's spent the last decade constructing a formidable empire, embedding himself deep within the underbelly of the criminal world, all in pursuit of one goal - retribution. But an unexpected obstacle stands in his path - her. The moment Kathryn Chandelle steps into his world, his intricately planned schemes begin to disintegrate, leaving him with an unshakeable conviction: she is irrevocably his. Kathryn Chandelle is a woman who has learned to stand her ground, no longer willing to be subjugated by any man. But everything changes when Daniel Ford makes his entrance, turning her world upside down and challenging everything she's held dear. He's cynical, he's merciless, and with a single touch, he sets a wildfire blazing within her. But when duplicity emerges and hidden agendas are exposed, can these two seemingly incompatible forces find a way to merge, or will everything they've worked for be in vain?"

"WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! An EROTIC-ROMANCE story! *** Since high school, Isla Peterson, a college student, had a crush on her brother's closest friend. She wished to be noticed by the man not just as a young sister, but also as a lover. She begged her brother, Apollo, to invite him to her 18th birthday party. Because her brother adores her, he eventually agreed. She was overjoyed when her long-time crush arrived—her wish had been granted. After reaching the legal age, Isla relaxed during her after-party and assured her brother that she would only drink a little. However, she got drunk and involved herself in a situation that forever changes her life. She had with her long-time crush, Zero, the famed womanizer. Zero Cohen is a well-known monster in bed who prefers extreme over making out. He only had one rule: ""keep up with his pace,"" and he will lavish you with joy. Zero didn't realize it was Isla he claimed that night because they were both drunk at the time. And he admits, the lady was too good for first-timers. He began to crave her body, and every time he saw her, his pet hardened and desired to delve deeper into her core. But can they really expect to go very far in this game? What if they have to face their difficulties? Will one of them give up, or will they fight? What could it bring if the playboy faces his downfall?"

"Sophie Patterson. Don't you dare walk away from me." Logan's menacing stare bore at me. I suddenly didn't feel drunk anymore. I sobered up quickly. "What, Logan? You're gonna tell me that you suddenly love me again? That you're here to sweep me off my feet? Please! I didn't need you all this time, and I don't need you now." He clenched his jaw, fisting his hands. "Enough. Stop being so damn stubborn. You know I do. I love you. I never stopped loving you, Sophie. It was always you." I left my hometown hoping to never see him again. I left with his baby still inside of me. Seven years after, and here I am again. Standing before him and a six-year-old wanting to know who his dad is, and asking me to marry him because everyone in his class but him and his best friend don't have a daddy.What am I supposed to do with all these feelings that are resurfacing? I'm realizing every day that I never got over him. I merely suppressed my feelings, and him telling me this now- in my face, just made things more complicated.

"""The story of wedding proposals and unexpected rejections from each other influenced by their family members"", is the one line narration of Persuasion, a romantic novel by Jane Austen. Frederick Wentworth, a Naval officer proposed to wed Annie, when she was 19 years old. Anne's family members felt that Frederick is not the right match for her as Frederick is poor and does not have a family back round. Influenced by her family members including father, sister and brother-in-law, Anne later decided not to marry Frederick. Russel, acting in place of her mother, breaks the engagement. Eight years later Frederick becomes wealthy and he is now a captain. Anne still unmarried now and meets Frederick who has not forgiven Anne's rejection. Being an eligible bachelor now, he publicly declares he would accept proposal from any one except Anne."

This is a story about a beautiful 22 year old girl who's hungry for the world, hungry to grab the world by her hands and make twist of it with just one finger, centering it into what she saw in her dreams. She drops out of varsity so because of tuition fees, gets a temporal job just so she could get some money to survive and to save up for school. Mia felt like her dreams were beneath her surroundings, she wantedto explore Europe ,Ever-since she was young, but she meets the one cute guy who offers her a stepladder to climb and get to touch the centre of the bulb.