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"Kyden qnd Alessa are two children who have seen it all.Their parents got divorced when Kyden was just 10 years old and Alessa just a month.The two kids are left in their mother's custody who later on becomes are drug addict. Join their adventure as Kyden and Alessa are reunited with their father and five older brothers after five years.Read as Kyden struggles to bond with his family while trying to protect his little sister after being told by his mother that their father left them because they were burdens. Join their journey of love and hate as they are reunited."

"Born with the mark of the crescent, she was a blessed wolf—a wolf who was meant to bring prosperity to her kind and bring them to new heights. But at what cost? She was left to discover that on her own. Seraphine Williams, born a wolf, was raised by humans. She never got the chance to learn about her roots; to connect to her essence, her soul. That was until she met him. Alpha Alaris, feared by the most, was a force to reckon with. He ruled over one of the largest packs in all of Canada with an iron fist. Famous for being cold and ruthless, he was someone with a heart of gold but only for those he held dear to himself. What will happen when a clumsy girl with no knowledge of the werewolf world crosses paths with the most ruthless of the alphas?"

"Lis Mineli Bailey, una dedicada médica que encontró consuelo en la medicina después de perder a su madre por el cáncer. En una noche sombría, un encuentro inesperado con el enigmático cardiólogo Jack Peterson da inicio a una apasionada pasión. Sin embargo, cuando la obsesión de Acácia amenaza con separarlos y un trágico accidente sugiere que Jack ha desaparecido, el destino parece cruel. ¿Qué sucedió realmente? ¿Quién está detrás de estos eventos misteriosos? En una historia de emocionantes giros, amor verdadero y valentía ante el destino, ""Un nuevo comienzo"" nos lleva a cuestionar si el final es solo el comienzo de algo aún más profundo. Prepárate para un cautivador viaje lleno de secretos y descubrimientos."

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Chapter 1

"I, Sulli, the wolfless werewolf, found myself exiled from my pack, the Nixx Pack. My parents' wrongdoing had cost them their lives and our pack dearly. Lost and with nowhere to turn, I ended up in the woods and got attacked by rogue wolves. I was unaware that I'd trespassed into the territory of the BrimeStone Pack, rivals of the Nixx Pack. Unable to defend myself, I ran until I reached a dead end. I thought all hope was lost when I heard a commotion. The rogue wolves were dropping dead one by one. I covered my ears and eyes, huddling in a corner. When the sounds ceased, I slowly opened my eyes, and they fell upon a tall, brooding stranger. The creature knocked me out. Upon waking, I found myself in a cottage. I got to find out the owner was Ron, a barbarian Alpha and protector of the BrimeStone Pack. I was terrified of him, but I had no other place to go. I had to stay with him, even though he didn't want me around and preferred solitude. I noticed he was cold, rarely spoke, and had a short temper. We argued over the smallest things. During our time together, I once ventured out and bumped into the Werewolf Prince of the BrimeStone Pack, Cole. He became utterly smitten with me and that's when life got more complicated. Why did I feel that Cole was my mate, despite Ron and I sharing the same birthmark on our chests?"

"""¡Tú no eres la princesa! ¿Quién eres?"" Me sobresalté al oír a Tyler hablar con autoridad"". ""De qué está hablando, Majestad. En efecto, soy yo"". Penélope miró a su padre en una silenciosa súplica de ayuda. ""¡Tú no eres mi princesa!"". Su tono de voz se volvió mortal. En el reino encantado de Thalassia, la joven huérfana Kayla se ve enredada en una trama sorprendente y emocionante. Enviada a un juicio con el rey a la edad de diez años, Kayla descubre que su apariencia es asombrosamente idéntica a la de la princesa Penélope. En lugar de condenarla, el rey tiene una idea insólita: contratar a Kayla como sombra de su hija real. Así, a la edad de 10 años, Kayla se inicia en un intenso entrenamiento para convertirse en la imagen perfecta de la princesa. Tiene que aprender cada detalle de la vida de Penélope, desde sus gustos y temores hasta sus pensamientos más íntimos. Ahora, a los 21 años, Kayla se ha convertido en la perfecta sustituta de la princesa, sabiendo actuar, hablar y comportarse como ella en cualquier situación. El destino depara sorpresas a ambas, ya que la princesa Penélope es considerada una posible novia para el misterioso príncipe Tyler, conocido por su frialdad y retraimiento. Temiendo por la seguridad de su hija, el rey toma una arriesgada decisión y envía a Kayla a conocer al príncipe en su lugar. Al llegar al castillo de Tyler, Kayla se encuentra con un hombre diferente a todas las historias que había oído sobre él. A medida que pasa más tiempo junto al príncipe, descubre un corazón herido y solitario, lejos de la imagen cruel que la gente pintaba de él."

"I stand before the pack members, condemned by whispers and stares that cut deeper than any blade. Branded a killer, but I am no murderer. Yet, their accusations cling to me like a shroud, suffocating every shred of hope within me. “I’ll never reject you, Ivanna, but I’ll make your life hell.” His words echo throughout the hall. A cruel reminder of the torment that awaits me. “I’ll forever punish you for what you did to me and the pack.” My mate’s voice, once a source of strength, now drips with venomous hatred. “You’ll remain as my mate, and I’ll remain your nightmare.” “I didn’t kill her!” I protest, but he sees only a liar, a traitor to the pack. His fist hits my cheek, a brutal punishment for crimes I did not commit. “Liar!” He barks. “You killed her. And I’ll do the same to you. Slowly. Painfully. Until you’re choking on your last breath and desperately ready to tell the truth. That you killed her.” —---------------------------------------------------- When the Luna mysteriously dies before my eyes, everyone tags me as her killer. I go through hell and back. My life becomes an endless circle of misery. But I won’t break. I won’t give in to my abusers, no matter how brutally they try to break my soul. I’m determined to fight till the end. Until I’ve proven to them that I’m not the Luna’s Killer."

"Mafia's were the top leading in wealth and everything They were feared by all and peasants never wished to cross their part because they were mean,brutal and influencial Peasant do not have options, they have to serve them so that can have a roof to leave under and food to eat . Meet Rosie A young girl of 20 years.Stubborn, talkative,troublesome ,name it all She was known for her beauty she is unique and endowed in the right places ,,she was more like a goddess Rosie is an orphan,her mother served as a maid to a mafia till she died ,that was the kind of life Rosie was brought into ,,she continued from where her mother stopped until one faithful day the family had to move and couldnt take rosie with them so they had to sell her . But the question is to who Meet Edwardo cheng A young man of 26,a very handsome young man ,,His has all that a lady desires but his evil,heartless ,self centered name them all ,he took over from his father and became the head of mafia's ,no one dared him,no one looks at him,no one speaks while he speaks ,his name alone make people flinch,he cares about no one but himself . Nobody severs him and come back alive ,most news been heard was that they commited suicide or wanted to run away and died in the process And now he needed a new servant who will be the unlucky fellow Grab your popcorn and get ready . All right reserved ️"

More drama comes for Dominic and Triniti in this sequel. After getting rid of James, Dominic now has another enemy and it' someone far dangerous than Mr. Calligan alone. It's Triniti's father who is a legendary hunter. Having to leave Triniti, his twins and his pack behind, Dominic joins his father in Shreveport where he can tap into his vampire side before the hunter arrives. However, the hunter has many things planned out.... One of them is eliminating Dominic and Triniti altogether....

"""You are mine, No one has a right to touch you, hold you, or love you...You're all mine get that in your thick skull...I'll kill every single one who desires to have you or even think of having you, You belong to me only me your soul, your body everything belongs to me, only me...Do you get that"" He said while gripping my chin with pressure, making me look into his eyes. ""Please... You're hurting me"" I said, trying to free myself from his iron-like grip. ""Say it"" he shouted on my face, gripping my chin even more tightly. ""Yes( sobbing ) yes... I'm yours"" I said, sobbing and struggling to be freed from his grip. Vanessa foster 18 years old cute, naive, and kind-hearted person. she was living a normal life with good grades until she meets a devil living in a greek god-like body. Lorenzo Francisco, 26 years old ruthless, cold, unforgiving, manipulative, and merciless businessman. As C.E.O of Francisco group's, he has billions on his name. The wind carries the way he kills and manipulates people in Los Angeles making everyone tremble in fear. He was envied by men and wanted by women. What happens when this dark and aloof billionaire meets the naive Vanessa? Will love win the game?"