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"BLURB Sydney was a stripper trying to survive when she has a one night stand with one of the White twins and dumps her drink on the other one while thinking they're the same person. She receives an interview proposal to one of the biggest companies in town. What happens when she finds out she is stuck between two twins and her job is at stake when the find out about her past job as a stripper and prostitute. She meets Jaxton and Paxton the twins and Co- CEOs of the whites company and finds out that Playboy Jaxton knows her secret. Would she dance to his tunes in order to cover her secret from paxton or allow love to take its full course? Happy reading."

"Jane walked towards the forbidden building with a clenched fist. She looked scared at first but that didn't stop her curiosity about looking into the building she had been forbidden to reach. She looked back to see if any of the men were around to know of her sudden disappearance but nobody seemed to know since the alarm bells hadn't rung. She breathe out heavily and touched the door knob but before she could twist it open, her hand was yanked off it and she was pushed backward. She looked up only to meet the face of one person she had been trying to avoid. Allen stared coldly at the woman in front of him and stepped forward like a lion trying to stalk its prey. Jane looked terrified and gulped down with uneasiness. "" What are you doing here? "" Allen asked with his usual cold tone. "" I was...uhm...just... "" "" Haven't I warned you not to step closer to this building huh? But it seems you are the stubborn pet. "" Allen interrupted while continuing his walk towards her. "" No...no, I was just being curious, that's all. "" Jane replied as her back hits the wall. Allen trapped her in between. "" Have you ever heard that curiosity kills the cat? "" Allen smirked dangerously and Jane knew that she was in a long torture for the night. ______________ Don't miss out on this book. You will love it."

""" You don't know how to kiss. Was it your first time? "" Mazov asked as he noticed how uncomfortable she felt. Catalina was about to cry as she didn't want to so any of this. This required too much courage and she didn't want to sell her body like this. Her body was violently shaking from the shock and she was about to have a panic attack in few seconds. "" No... I had my first kiss with you in the room. It was second one. "" She managed to reply back but her voice cracked in between the sentences. Mazov grabbed her cold body and wiped the sweat off her face. "" Are you scared? What's wrong? Let me help you out! "" He took her in his arms and covered her body with the towel by perfectly securing it around her body. This woman amazed him every single time they met. Stupid girl! It didn't take him long to understand that she was indeed an innocent and pure angel trying to look like a demon. But why? Who made her like this? Who broke her heart? **** When Catalina Brown took the challenge to steal from the Mafia in order to impress her master she wasn't expecting a dominant possessive male who won't let her go out of his sight even for a second. The worst part was she was getting addicted to him more than she had planned...."

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Chapter 1

"*synopsis* ""What is that?"" he asked, pretending he didn't know. ""The lingerie,"" I replied through gritted teeth, my eyes locked with his. ""Wear it!"" he commanded, his voice low and husky, his eyes gleaming with a mischief. I felt a shiver run down my spine as his grip on my waist tightened. What was wrong with him? ""Now?"" I asked to be sure I wasn't over thinking. ""Yes,"" he answered defiantly. Beads of sweat instantly gathered on my forehead and I broke my eyes away from his, feeling embarrassed. ""You realize I don't like repeating myself, right,"" he whispered, his lips moving sensually to my nape. He released my waist and I instinctively moved backwards to create some space between us. He followed me and before I knew it, I was pinned to the wall, his lips kissing my neck. ___________________ Melissa Wood had found herself in the hands of the man whom her father owed a debt. Williams had taken her hostage, when her father couldn't repay. In captivity, Melissa was mistreated and demeaned by Williams. She felt anger, humiliation and insulted as a human. But she soon became confused after she became entangled with her captor, and began to develop conflicting feelings. What would be her fate when the cruel williams learns about her feelings? Would he welcome it or would more hell break lose for her?"

"Stella Carpenter wanted nothing but to live a good life with her boyfriend, make sure her brother goes to a good university, make her mother smile and become a popular chef but that changed from the moment she set her eyes on Davis McClure. He is a well known cold-hearted, dangerous and famous man,also the owner of a well producing technology company, a CEO himself- the kind that no one could mess with but what will happen when Stella messed him up? Davis decides to punish Stella, it is a punishment that ruined her life and made the man she loves abandon her. Stella thought her life was officially over, she found out that she was pregnant with not just a baby but twins. What will happen when Davis comes back three years later and decides to marry her and take his children, will Stella give in or will she fight him for her babies?And at the same time, the man Stella once loved returns to her, how will Stella choose?"

"Rowena, the alpha's daughter, is an anomaly — a nerd without a wolf, long bullied. Her brother Eric, a famed warrior and playboy, is disbelieved to be her sibling. Neither has met their fated mate. At 18, Rowena senses a shift in Eric's look, viewing her not just as a sister but something more enticing... Eric: (Damn, how do I reveal to her that she's actually my fated mate?)"

¿Te has sentido alguna vez atrapado entre la culpa y el odio? ¿Sin saber cuál es la salida definitiva de este infierno? ¿Ser roído por uno mismo? Este es el caso de James Wald, este hombre que llevaba casi 10 años buscando el remedio más eficaz, este hombre que una vez rechazado se había cerrado a él hasta el punto de envidiar a la humanidad, este hombre cuya única cosa podía curar, esta cosa llamada 《Love》 Este hombre tan crédulo, tan frío, tenía un ángel detrás de este demonio que asustaba a todo el mundo.... para hacerlo sanar de esta culpa su abuelo decide buscarle una esposa lo que lo lleva a un matrimonio forzado, impuesto o incluso arreglado... cualquier nombre que se le dé. Un matrimonio que dará un amor que superará esta ola de incredulidad, este amor que tendrá que soportar golpes y heridas, este amor que creará una pasión tan majestuosa como oscura, ¿sabrá salir este hombre que contiene dos personajes en su interior?

"After living with her father and evil stepmother in their werewolf pack for the last year, Taylor is finally asked to return to her mother and her original pack. What she had been wanting the whole time she was living with her father. But upon her return she learns that the pack has been taken over by another pack and is under a new Alpha after the previous Alpha disappeared. She needs to adjust to a whole new pack then the one that she thought she was going home to. But she knew that her friends were there and that's what she was counting on getting her through this terrible time. Little did she know that the terrible times were just starting, and the Alpha, he wasn't the enemy that she was facing. With a lot of betrayal from the people that she trusted the most and the family that she never knew that she had, she is in for a lot of surprises and a lot of suspense and surprises that she never would have seen coming in a million years."

"Aiden Grey is a 10 year old boy who lives in the orphanage. His parents were abusive and get arrested for child abuse and he was sent to the orphanage at the age of 8. He was very shy and introvert and got scared easily so none of the couple's wanted to adopt him. Even the kids at the orphanage bullied him. Dylan Hunt is a 12 year old boy who lives with his billionaire parents. He is the only son and his parents love him a lot and can do anything for him. He asks for a little brother whom he can order around and do all his work, his personal server boy. His parents adopt Aiden and he is happy on finally getting a loving family but he did not expect to be the server boy for his brother."