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"Getting helplessly rooted and stuck in a spot and without a means of escape coming, Ariana wondered why her life was hard, despite being born with a silver spoon. Every road she toured led to a series of crossroads. Little did she know this all pointed to the fact that she wasn't of the realist's world, No wonder it never sat well with her And sooner than later, she realized that she didn't belong in the world of her mother and 'father' but, belonged in the world which she thought only existed in the lengthy pile of books on her shelf. Like she never would have thought, her world began to revolve around a mystical parallel universe And from here, the story begins ..."

Sophie Luxford had been turning a blind eye to her husband’s affairs in their three years of marriage.She continued being a dedicated wife who would greet her husband with a bowl of warm nourishing soup every day, until one day, the woman he loved the most appeared before her and declared, “I’m pregnant.”Sophie used various methods to coerce the woman to get an abortion.Cedric Carlson grabbed her by the neck and growled, “Sophie Luxford, you can’t keep up the act anymore after holding it in for three years, huh?” Sophie burst into tears. She then laughed hysterically and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m pregnant as well, and my son has to be the Carlsons’ heir!”

"Mileena Holland is the daughter of the head warriors of her pack that is a royal pack of Lycans called “The Nightingale”. When Mileena shifts at five, something had happened that never in a million anyone will think that will happen. She became a white Lycan. Throughout the years, some consider her a blessing, while others consider it to be an abomination. That she will get bullied by other children. Finally, her mother was fed up and left the pack taking Mileena with them, but something happen that shocked Mileena and her mother all together. Her father stayed behind. From there both women left the pack and became rouges. eventually, they found a pack to settle in, and everything got better till Rouge attacked killing some members including her mother. Will Mileena seek revenge, or will she finally become broken?"

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Chapter 1

"""Just because you were right, doesn't mean I'm wrong. You just haven't seen life from my side."" Nicholae's tears, despite his cold heart, voluntarily dropped to his cheeks. ""Maybe the reason you left me was that you believe someone new will come into my life. Someone who would fix those permanent marks of scars and tiny holes in my heart you left behind. Someone who has faith, hope, and love more than you do."" Mikai muttered to the photo where she believes Nicholae's promise of true love exists. Those were the two hurtful lines where Mikai and Nicholae's love story bind by a werewolf's business proposal. Packed with broken hearts, betrayals, and revenge. What will you do when you believe true love exists in the right place but at the wrong time?"

"They say it takes two to tango. A relationship needs two people to make it work. But what if I tell you that it's not just one who caught her interest, but four hot men? She's into four d*mn handsome men, each with their unique personality. ""They call them the Four Hotties, but I call them temptation, secrets, and the kind of love that's worth every risk,"" Via remarked with a smirk. Her motto in life echoed through the air, ""Date more, find joy, don't stick to one boy."" Does that make her a selfish wh*r*? Hell no! There are plenty of men in this world, and the supply isn't running out anytime soon. Via Rosalind Hawthorne, a cheer captain at Woodbridge University finds herself caught in a problem that will bring her closer to four hotties. Which leads her in making the operation make the four hotties obsessed with her."

"Viktor Raven Viktor Raven isn't someone greatful to have money but money is greatful to have him. A man whom women's are fasting every day to have. Hayl Cain The perfect defination of mask. Carries her world where every man craves her. But she isn't that easy. Her fake face can even fool a lie detector. PLOT LINE When women's are dying to have the Man of thier dreams but that men bears allergy with marriages. He finds a women to marry over a contract but not making a contract. SNEAK PEEK ""So will you marry me?"" I asked her. ""What kind of joke you are spitting. Did you take the wrong pills? "" she asked me ""No I don't think it's pills you are born with defect I guess"" she said as she sighed. And then she started to walk out as I grabbed her by her wrist again and rolled her over with her hand stuck behind her as I had a tight grip. While my mouth lingered over her ears. ""When I say I'm serious. Than I'm hell serious. And since you already know I'm mental don't make me go mad. "" I murmured in her ears. But then she rolled her hands over her head and than rolled my hands. As now I was in front of her. ""Do you know you have a great power in you "" ""And what is that? "" ""That you can speak crap every time you open you mouth without failing once"" she said to me as I laugh. Then I rolled my hands away and got away from her grip and then started to walk nearer and nearer to her as she walked back and back as she reached at the edge of my desk. While she looked at me with no expression."

"The famous witch told my mom that one of her daughters would be the future luna, while the other would bring bad luck to the pack. My mom was certain that I was the bad one. She spent all her money into training my sister Vaselissa to be the Luna, and I, in turn, became my sister's slave, cooking, washing dishes, and doing all the household chores. But ten years later, it was I who became the Luna and strongest warrior of all the time. My name was known throughout the kingdom."

After getting grazed by a string of buddha beads, Anthony Stewart started noticing a change in his body – starting with his vision… Medical knowledge, metaphysics, martial arts all became things he was strangely familiar with, and his life took off from there…

"Vasilissa Sinclair has all of the qualities that the world finds inappropriate when picturing the wife-to-be of the world's sexiest man. Christian Monochero is known to be put together and pristine, perfect for his image as a well- respected actor and businessman, so when he announces to the public that he's been having a secret relationship with a woman who is anything but immaculate in social regards, the fans of everyone's favorite star are not happy to say the least. Neither is his family. With people trying to break them up at every turn, will their relationship be able to withstand the storm?"