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"Ulrich se quitó la camisa con una naturalidad desafiante, revelando su torso musculoso bañado por la tenue luz que inundaba la habitación. Sus ojos dorados brillaban con una intensidad predatoria mientras ordenaba a Phoenix que hiciera lo mismo. ""Quítate el vestido"", dijo él, su voz autoritaria resonando en la habitación. ""Y acuéstate en la cama."" ""¿Por qué?"", preguntó ella, su voz temblorosa. Ulrich miró fijamente a Phoenix, sus ojos dorados destellando con determinación. ""Porque es una orden, esclava."" En el sombrío Valle del Norte, reina Ulrich, el cruel y temido rey Alfa por todas las manadas. Su único deseo es conquistar cada una de ellas y solidificar su dominio, pero una maldición pronunciada por Gaia, la enigmática Peeira, arroja una sombra sobre su imperio. Ulrich solo podrá tener un heredero si encuentra una compañera de su manada de origen, una tarea aparentemente imposible después de la aniquilación de su manada cuando aún era un joven lobo. Despreciando la profecía, Ulrich ve cómo sus Lunas, una a una, sucumben en el parto, dejándolo sin descendencia. Determinado a evitar la caída de su imperio, convoca a sus mejores hombres lobo para encontrar a una mujer con cabello negro y ojos azules, descendiente de su antigua manada. Pasan años de búsqueda hasta que la esperanza surge con Phoenix, una esclava distante de las llanuras del reino. Phoenix es vendida al rey Alfa, aceptando su destino con resignación. Ulrich le propone un trato: si le da un hijo, será liberada. Sin embargo, el destino les reserva más que un pacto de conveniencia. ¿Podrá el Rey Alfa superar su propia crueldad por la mujer que ama?"

"Dawn always thought that she was born to face hardship and often questions herself what did she did to deserve it. She was born to a unknown father and a mother who only cares for herself. And the only thing that keeps her going is her little siblings, Arthur and Lily. One morning, when Dawn woke up from her slumber, she noticed that her mother’s belongings seems to be missing. It was later that day then she realised that her mother had abandoned her and her siblings. It was hard for a middle schooler to balance her life between being a student and working at the same time to the point that she actually thinking of not entering high school. Until- “Congratulations, Miss Roman. You have been chosen to enter Volin High Scholarship program. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity because Volin High is one of the top education hub in this country. Once again, congratulations.” The principal smiled. At the start of a new school term, Dawn stood in front of a vast gate with a heavy heart. With everyone’s eyes on the new student; judging her from afar, Dawn walked into the prestigious Volin High with high hopes of graduating with honour. Little did Dawn knows that the first step she took would change her life greatly."

Hello guys, i hope you give this book a try coz you will never regret reading the book

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Chapter 1

"A NOVEL ON STOCKHOLM SYNDROME BOOK 1 OF A THREE BOOK SERIES *TRIGGER WARNING* This book contains scenes that some readers may find disturbing… and also slightly annoying. “Miss. Iris, do you believe she has a point?” she asked and returned to her seat once again. “I don’t think so, her father and uncle deserve to go to jail.” My answer extracted a smile from her like she was proud of my response. “My name is Christine; I am a renowned medico-legal psychotherapist. Been in the business for over twenty years and that is what a case of Stockholm syndrome looks like. In my years of experience, we see situations similar to this but its our job to help the victims realize” “Wow…” I started, really amazed at what she had said and what her work entails. I was only concerned why they locked me in a room with a psychotherapist “it must be difficult at times” I added. “yeah, its difficult every time” she laughed “but today isn’t about me, I have a question for you.” There was a brief pause in between before she carried on “Does Hunter deserve to go to jail?”"

S*x is delicious. No one in their perverted mind will claim otherwise. So when a chance for a too good to be a true moment of one's life knocks at its door or when what happened a while ago was something you would never think it would have happened, some people grab these chances, while some regret it for a lifetime not indulging. A one-night stand or a quickie with a consenting individual is an easy fix. This book is a collection of wild erotic adventures and fantasies. Adventures to some and fantasies to others.

"Taina works as a personal assistant/secretary to Mr. Nek Bellos; she has worked for him for about 3 years. She never had plans to work as personal secretary, yet alone a secretary to the famous Nek Bellos. Taina has dreams of becoming a writer and this job would help her in realizing this dream Nek Bellos the CEO of The Variance Limited has just seen news that threatens to ruin all he has worked for in Yula. For him to save his company, he needs to find a woman to marry within a year. Though Nek doesn’t believe in marriage, but he’s willing to sacrifice that to save his company; he approaches Taina for a marriage of convenience with a proposition she cannot refuse. Will Taina be able to bear her cold and overbearing boss, would this marriage evolve from a marriage of convenience into a love marriage? Theme: Arranged marriage, Romance, Business, Love"

"Kathleen, an ordinary woman whose ambition was to get a descent job and surport herself as she doesn't have any obtained to look after her. Her life was going perfectly well with her new job and a surportive boyfriend but things changed few years later. She got dumped in an unexpected way and that made her feel unwanted and useless. Will she be able to move on and start a better life? Even with the attitude of her secretive boss who was always seen has the devil himself."

"When Mafia boss Leo Vance becomes the target of a new head of the investigation team, his childhood friend turned enemy, Omar, employs a junior agent, Mae Yrote, to eliminate Leo. However, Mae's mission takes an unexpected turn when Leo captures her, leading to a dangerous game of cat and mouse. As Mae attempts to carry out her mission, she uncovers the dark underworld of Leo's operations and finds herself entangled in a complex web of deceit and betrayal. Both Leo and Mae struggle with their growing feelings for each other, adding another layer of tension to their already precarious, dangerous situation. Mae must navigate between her duty to the government and her conflicted emotions for Leo. A story where loyalties are tested and destinies are intertwined in an unexpected twist of events. The boundaries between predator and prey blur against a shadow of love, betrayal, and redemption as Leo and Mae's destiny crosses path."

"Luo McCarner was dying when suddenly a woman who looked like her asked,'' Do you wish to go to the past before you made the decisions that led you to this unenviable state or die like a pathetic heroine in a play?'' Luo decided to take the chance to fix her tragic fate, which almost caused her death. But little did she know how deeply wounded her soul was and that she needed time to relearn how to be herself again. Unfortunately, the journey for self-discovery and self-repairing wouldn't be smooth. Her enemy was determined to bring her down and end her life for good. Some chapters contain violence."