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He initially assumed that women who needed blind dates must have significant flaws, either physically or mentally. Emmanuel Lowe never imagined that the woman sitting before him would be a gorgeous beauty with a refined appearance! As it turned out, he had accidentally gone to the wrong table for the blind date and met the wrong woman! To his surprise, Emmanuel Lowe and the woman even had a whirlwind marriage. From then on, whenever he encountered challenges, her involvement would easily solve all problems. It wasn't until one day, when he saw an interview with the wealthiest woman in Yeringham, that he was astonished to find that the incredibly wealthy beauty looked exactly like his wife! She said, "I could become the wealthiest woman because I have a man supporting me from behind the scenes!"

"Mila Carter is from a family who are bound by the rules of a strict society. Mila is forced to marry Vincent Delmont, the next head of the society. Due to some instances, the wedding is held back and Mila’s father will do anything to stop the wedding. Her father commits a grievous crime to stir a war between the two families. Three years later Mila is back where it all began and forced again into marriage to Vincent who is now head. Follow this exciting dark romance between Mila and Vincent. Vincent “Vincent,” I heard my name roll out of her sweet mouth, the root of all problems. The daughter my parents were sacrificed for. I could hear her heart racing and I loved the fear she displayed."

"Theresa, the sole heiress of the William family, falls in love with a boy band in S-Korea. Unable to keep her excitement bottled in anymore, she blackmails her butler into getting her tickets for the concert that was to happen soon. Her parents find out but she also blackmails them into letting her go. She boards a plane and is super excited to see her idol perform live. Unexpectedly, the plane crashed 2 hours before her destination. Opening her eyes, she finds herself in a new dimension. A world where people cultivate magic to become immortal. She receives a mission from a dying concubine of the emperor to avenge her death and in the process, she becomes host to three magic pets and acknowledges a foster father and mother. She goes to magic school to train her magic skills and becomes host to a system that grants wishes. She finds her first love in the magic school and decides to chase him, ignoring warnings from all sides. Even when he turns out to be a traitor, she still chases him to the point of becoming a maid at his palace. They finally get married and she thinks all will be well till she finds him in bed with another woman. He says he married her for benefits and now she's useless. Heartbroken, she gives up the system and returns back to Earth with the price being her memories after the plane crash. Later, her husband realizes his mistake and it is too late when he searches for her. She is no longer in his world. He gives up his beauty, kingship and magic powers in order to come to earth. Ten years later, he finally finds Theresa his wife but she has no memory of him! Instead, she hates him without even knowing why. He tries hard to win her back but his efforts keep getting thwarted by another business queen who falls in love with him at first sight. What will be their fate? P.s: Please read the part one first."

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Chapter 1

"Destiny weaves it’s Complex Fabric as Freya, the daughter of the pack's strongest beta, finds herself unexpectedly bound to Tobias, the brooding son of the Alpha. Their connection is anything but smooth sailing. Tobias, consumed by grief and resentment, holds Freya responsible for his sister's tragic loss. When Tobias had discovered the truth, he made a cruel decision. Instead of severing their bond outright, he chose to slowly unravel it, day by day, tearing apart each thread that bound them together. His sole aim was to make her suffer, to make her wish she never existed. On the day of her trial, Tobias planned to mock Freya and select another mate, pledging his life to someone else. But what happens when he learns that his sister, the very source of his anger, never actually died? Will Tobias' realize his mistakes? And how will Freya react to this shocking revelation?"

"She cheated on me with my best friend five days before our wedding. I saw them kissing together in my house, bedroom, and bed! So, I either kill them on the spot or make them regret losing me. It wasn’t easy for me, but fate decided to give me the best gift on the same day… destiny gifted me with the most kind-hearted and innocent girl ever. “Excuse me, miss. Can I ask you a question?” I stopped her once I focused on her in the restaurant where she worked as a waitress. Her manager just fired her because she spilled coffee accidentally on one of the customers. I took advantage of the situation while she was crying. She looked at me and wiped her tears, “what?” “Are you married?” I asked her immediately. She narrowed her eyes, and she thought I was insane or a stalker, “I am going to call the police. Go away.” I closed the gap between us, and then I showed her a Rolex diamond watch and told her, “I am wealthy. Here’s the proof. I need your answer.” She blinked her eyes, “I don’t f*ck*ng care if you are rich or not. Stay away from me.” I didn’t waste more time, and I pulled her left hand to check if there was any ring. I didn’t find any, not even a mark on her fingers. So, without hesitation, I asked her, “would you marry me today, and I will give you 100 thousand dollars for three months.” And ding…. she slapped me across the face."

"Cassy Benson was bought by Alpha Lino, because she was an Omega. Alpha Lino has Eleanor, his mate, but she couldn't give him a child which he badly wanted. So he bought slaves every month just to see if anyone could give him a child. When he met Cassy, she took in shocking everyone. Though Eleanor wasn't happy about this. Her hatred for Cassy grew daily, what actually fueled her hatred was the fact that Alpha Lino wanted Cassy to be the Luna instead of her. Though Cassy refused the offer, but that didn't stop Eleanor from doing what she wanted. She successfully planned everything, and she killed Cassy together with her unborn child. She was killed for something she had no control over. Before Cassy died, she prayed for a second chance at life, she prayed to avenge her death and that of her child. She swore she was gonna make Eleanor pay for what she did to her. She cried to the Moon goddess, asking for a second chance at life. Did the moon goddess grant her request? Was she given a second chance at life? Would she be able to make Eleanor pay? Stay tuned. You can follow on Facebook @ Booksby K Thurah for more updates on my books~"

Turvi Ahuja is a girl who only has two dreams one to become a famous dancer another is to marry Aashank Raichand whom she love. Her life was perfect but as we know nothing is perfect or nothing stays perfect for long.Join the journey of Turvi to know who destroyed her perfect life how love destroyed her

"**NOVEL ONLY FOR 18+ AGE** If you are not into Adult and Mature Romance/Hot Erotica then please don't open this book. Here you will get to read Amazing Short Stories and New Series Every Month and Week. There are some such secret moments in everyone's life that if someone comes to know, it can embarrass them, or else can excite them. Secretly you wish to relive these guilty and sweet memories again and again. So let me share some similar secret and exciting moments and such short stories with you guys that make your heartthrob and curl your toes in excitement. Let get lost in the world of Forbidden Love Stories. Check My 2nd Book: Lustful Hearts Check My 3rd Book: She's Taken Away"

"Enter the halls of Rochester, better known as the Mafia Academy. Alessandro Brambilla, the future of the Brambilla family, enjoys breaking rules. There's a very special princess who owed a blood debt. He will take his revenge and the rules be damned. Rochester is a safe place, or so they say, for mafia progeny who will enter an unsafe world after graduation. Rule #1 No maiming or killing. Rule # 2 Keep your hands off mafia princesses. Gia knows he's waiting for the perfect opportunity. She knows he hates her with a deadly passion. Her father killed Alessandro's mother and Gia is the one who will pay."