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"Jasmine was killed by the man she worshiped her whole life. Yes! Worshiped After years of suffering, he pushed her off the cliff where she met dead. Luckily her soul met a kind lady who gave her another chance. In this, she plans to take everything from Carl Lawson, who took everything from her. And dote on the man who did not leave her side even once. Keith Yates the intimidating tycoon who has the entire city wrapped around his finger. Yet his weakness is little Jasmine, who seems unreachable but what happens when she stops running away from him. "" Honey, you look tired, should I give you a massage? "" She smiled beautifully at him. Her fair thighs probed forward in the red lacy transparent nightgown. His eyes narrowed as he brood down on her. Was this girl looking for trouble? He knew with a mere touch from her, he would pin her down. Without any answer, he pulled her down and 'ate her'. "" Hope you got your answer now """

Alina Jones was working as an event coordinator who was temporarily transfered to the wedding planner department. New to her assigned job, she was easily swayed to do things outside of her job desciption until she realized that she is to be married to a crippled but handsome and attractive man. Unwillingly married she wonders what awaits her when just for one day her luck was stacked against her. The worst thing happened was being married to a person she never laid eyes before.

Past hurts have taught Vivienne Bouvier not to shy away from danger or show fear, not even when she encounters the ruthless Adonis Knight, CEO to Crimson Inc. But things are not always what they seem, and Vivienne may not be the only one with secrets up her sleeve—secrets of the shapeshifting, moon goddess, mates variety. As feelings and temptations ignite, old enemies start to close in on all sides, and with a potential war brewing they know they must fight to win, as failure could mean their deaths.

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Chapter 1

Su Erya has a heart of gold but realizes that in this world, with her disfigured face and her family, that’s not enough. Her sister abuses her at every turn and manages to ruin her life. When Su Erya tries to get revenge, she kills the only man who matters: her father. She’s executed and is reborn into the same family. Now, she’ll have to use everything she knows just to survive and to get revenge on those who tried to destroy her.

"After living a boring life and becoming a corporate slave for seven-years, Alice put up all the courage she has to summon a Demon in order to change her life in exchange for her soul. Knowledge, Famer, Power, Wealth, and Love was all the desire many people wants, but she decided not to choose leaving everything to her Demon Contractor - Paimon. Unbeknownst to her is that there are many Demon Contractor aside from herself. Because of her soul that was chained, she will be force to fight in a bloody game wherein death is only the beginning."

"In order to protect his girlfriend, Jared got into a fight with a wealthy kid and was sentenced to three years in prison. Three years later, when Jared was released, what he found was a decrepit family and a girlfriend about to marry the rich kid. ""Jared, during these three years, they've been harassing us relentlessly, and we can't live in peace!"" his parents cried. ""Jared, you're just a former convict now, and you're no longer suitable for me,"" his ex-girlfriend looked down on him. ""Hey, I could make you serve three years in prison, and I can surely make it ten!"" his enemy taunted. Silently, Jared put on the ring given to him by the prison boss. With the Dragon Ring in his possession, he could command the entire underworld! Money, power, and beautiful women were now all within his grasp. 'Those who follow me will prosper; those who oppose me will perish!'"

"BLURB Omega's and Alpha's are off different rankings and Rebekah was an Omega who had longed to break out from the unhappiness and pain that came with being an Omega. She had been told by her mother that she could leave the Omega circle and as her finding an Alpha and becoming Luna, the Luna position will cover her Omega side. She succeeded in cheating life and cheated her way into happiness. Rebekah thought all her problems were now over until she could not give birth to an heir which brought up a pain far much worse than all she had been through. During this process, her mate, Lucien who she had drugged into being mates with her disliked her, which now led to him cheating on her with her best friend. Rebekah will always receive the Infidelity pain whenever Lucien slept with her best friend Mia and after some days Rebekah found out she was pregnant. Mia not wanting Rebekah to steal her opportunity, tricked Rebekah and brought her to a bridge. She looked at Rebekah with hate and jealousy and before Rebekah could notice what Mia had in mind, she was pushed off the bridge. Years later, Rebekah and Lucien run into each other and Lucien find her with triplets that looked very much like him"

"She stood before him, her eyes blazing like a roaring flame and her heart pounding faster. He moved closer to her to feel her pain, but she stopped him before he went further. ""You lied to me!"" She said, her voice trembling. ""I should have known this fairytale was too good to be true. And now, I've realized just how right I was."" He swallowed hard and took a step closer to her until his eyes levelled into hers. Then, he spoke the first words that came to his mind. ""I love you, Yolanda. It's the only truth I know."" But Yolanda was no longer listening. Her heart was already set on another course. ****** Yolanda Hamilton, a successful detective in the city of Washington DC finds out the biggest secret of her life when she learns that she's a werewolf and a powerful sorceress. However, her powers were passed down to her to serve a higher purpose. What happens when love gets in the way of the fulfilment of her destiny?"

"80 million worth is the book. Danger zone is the past edit. Updates will be in 80 million worth and not Danger zone."