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"Valentino and Ernesto Michelangelo are two of the most famous family members. Also, they are both well-known music idols, and everyone knows that they are nothing alike. Ernesto is known for being a flirt, and one of the things he does is break the hearts of the women he sleeps with. Valentino is a quiet, good-looking guy with a nice voice and nice features. He's not too sure of himself, though. There were a lot of fans who wanted to talk to him in person but never got the chance. Valentino's mental health got worse after he found out that his previous girlfriend had been cheating on him. This made him addicted to alcohol even though he was allergic to it. Valentino was traumatized by his addiction and this lead him to a sick bay for days. When he woke up after being unconscious, he had no memories, and the ones he had of the woman he loved were gone. He turned out to be the ""no love"" type and never developed feelings for women, despite the fact that women were always swooning over him. Because of a strange turn of events, he met a young woman named Arianna. From that day onwards, things began to change for him. . . THIS IS WHEN IT ALL BEGAN… . . Find out more in the story, “LOVE COLLISION” . . . ……."

"It was a game of hide and seek. The more he took his attention away, the more she starved with nothing filling her mind than the sexy billionaire that not only rocked her world but her body. Julia Thomas suffers from self diagnosed severe depression with her life black and blue, yet the devil preys on the weak. Mathew Sterling needs nothing and no one, Julia is his favourite play toy for when he kisses her she sings like a violin, shaking his room with their bodies covered in nothing but sweat after. The game Mathew plays is never fair, his love addictive, his kisses scorching with his touch earth shuttering. If he is not to give her his heart then she would sleep her way to it. This story contains mature sexual content, strong language and not for sensitive readers. 18+"

"After being betrayed by her stepsister, Cathleen left the country and went abroad. However, on the day she returned to NYK, she was asked to marry the same man she caught sleeping with her stepsister 3 years ago. Cathleen agreed, as she was marrying the man to save her grandmother and wanted revenge, as well as to cut ties with her family. To her surprise, the man she married wasn't the man who betrayed her 3 years ago; it was a different man she had never seen. What happened to Finn? How will she get her revenge? Her stepmother and stepsister found out that Finn wasn't the owner of Knight Group, so they devised a plan to make Cathleen marry the lapdog while they found out who owned Knight Group. But with Finn on the run, who then did Cathleen marry? Xavier was dimmed to be a cousin from the farm; little did the mother-and-daughter pair know that he was the big shot they had been looking for."

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Chapter 1

Alyssa Romani is a seventeen head old girl who spends her time working at her family’s restaurant. One day, stumbles upon a meeting which will change their lives forever.

"Amelia Garcia feels an attraction towards her father's friend; however, she could never imagine that Daniel shares the same sentiment. At the party, she's drugged, she's a mess, and in the midst of desire and craving, he lends a hand. The encounter plunges them both into an erotic, forbidden love. Fate brings them together, unleashing the forbidden passion. He is a good teacher, he will show her pleasure and she will be the obedient student as she is. But what will happen when everything comes to light? What will unfold when their hidden relationship is exposed? How will others react when they discover their clandestine affair?"

"Welcome to Mad Tales, the special bundled edition of three books by James Noll. Enter a world of terror and pain in A Knife in the Back, travel down the dark recesses of the human mind in You Will Be Safe Here, and finish the trilogy in Burn All The Bodies. In Mad Tales, you get sixteen short stories and three novels! In Raleigh's Prep, Topher, Michael, and Kenneth find a mangled body on the rugby field of their new school. They decide to investigate-- inadvertently unleashing the horror that lurks in the woods that surrounds the campus. Tracker's Travail picks up their story years after their escape from Raleigh's Prep. Arriving in Fredericksburg, Virginia just in time to stop a Class IV CZA, they quickly find themselves embroiled in various other misadventures, including freeing an elementary school from the grips of a power mad secretary, stopping a squid monster lurking in the ancient tunnels beneath the city, and coming face to face with their greatest nemesis yet: The Connoisseur. Who would have thought such a quaint little town could be so lethal? And in Topher’s Ton, the final chapter of the Topher Trilogy, the end of the world comes in a barrage of bombs, a rush of tsunami, and a hail of meteors. Topher, still recovering from his kidnapping by a deranged serial killer, manages to not only survive, but nearly rebuilds civilization. If it weren’t for Rasheed, the demented boy-god with a tank, or Nurse Smith, the deranged leader of a group of crazy doctors, or Liam Chris, a deranged despot seeking revenge, he might have been successful."

"""How did you manage to sleep at night Reid, the fact that you lied to me?"" I saw the shock in his luminescent eyes, the face of the man I love, yet chose to hurt me. ""Becca.....I planned to tell you, believe me, I do"" he retorted with the cracking in his voice, and that moment I felt the breaking and twisting in my heart. ""You're a pheromone machine and your count of women you played with is higher than the number of capillary vessels in your entire body, I refused to be on the list"" The pain is evident on his gorgeous face, he gazed at me, I could sense the nagging feeling inside of me, however, I pushed the thoughts in the back of my head. ""Becca, you got it all wrong, the predicament you have between me and Liz is nonsense!"" he snapped, the intensity of anger in his voice was tormenting. ""I've seen enough Reid, you changed women more frequently than a leopard changed its spots, pity me for thinking that you and I can be happy, this is the last time I'm allowing myself to be stupid."" Becca lost her family in a tragic accident years ago, trying to cope with the sadness of being alone, making her parents proud in any way possible. Nothing matters and bothers her except work, until her new boss Reid Alonzo start provoking her with his handsome face and arrogant attitude. How can she manage to ignore the sight of a man that can make her fall in love and live a happy life? What if she finds out that Reid Alonzo has an ultimate secret involving the lost of her family, and the reason he wants Becca in his life is all about guilt? Can Becca say ""Her No"" to love?"

"UPDATE SCHEDULE - TWICE A WEEK Story of a Man and girl.. Story of Misti and her lover ..... Misti in High School fall in love with a Man .. She thought it is her happily eve after... But future has other mysterious plans for her.... All her life Misti Just want a sweet , romantic , normal love story, she never ever thought that... Her love story will never be a normal one... Why the story is not a normal love story?? To find out the answer please join the journey of Misti and her lover....."

Elijah Orleans, es aquel chico cuya curiosidad e inteligencia le hacen ir tras aquello que otros creen imposible. Su obsesión con el diario escrito por una mujer, hace más de dos mil años; le lleva a querer indagar más a fondo su historia, llevándose como sorpresa lo que ni en sus peores sueños, habría imaginado.