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"Keith Jackson get married Tabitha to take responsibility for her pregnancy because the child in Tabitha's womb was the child of Keith's brother, who died in an accident. Tabitha Geraldine was willing to marry Keith for the child's status in her womb, and she didn't love the guy. Their married life is frigid. Moreover, Tabitha rejected Keith from the beginning. They also entered into a contract marriage and agreed to divorce when Tabitha's child was born. However, Keith never thought that he would fall in love with Tabitha. What must Keith do to melt Tabitha's heart?"

"Atlas is a man who has the world at his fingertips. A man of power. He's above the law and could buy anything or anyone he wants. He sits on his throne, untouchable and invincible. But he is about to meet his downfall. What he thought was a brief night of passion would mark the beginning of the end of his reign. A woman whose name he never bothered to remember is coming for his throne. In the form of a cunning and gorgeous woman, Cassandra had a taste of power, and she would do everything to have it again. Even if it means getting her well manicured hands dirty and her Chanel heels bloody. As the Spectre family's eldest and only son, he inherited Spectre Enterprises as soon as his father died. Ever since then, no one could touch him. Until Cassandra came walking through the door of his board meeting, looking immaculate and holy in a red dress. She gave him a sly smile, reminding him of the passionate night they shared. And then, with a grin, she announced that she'd be taking the position in his company. And Cassandra will come for his throne next. A game of power and lust. What will it take for Cassandra to make Atlas kneel in front of her? Or will Atlas win over her soul and body?"

"Thya, the daughter of Duke D'Arcy, has the cursed power of being able to see others people's deaths by looking at them in the eye. After all the disgrace that happened to the people around her, she sees her best frien, Avyanna, the next Queen of the Maximillian Kingdom's dying because of a uncurable disease, but she can't tell that to anyone. When her best friend ends up dying a year after that, her brother, Daisuke, ascends to the throne as the new Crown Prince and is set to get his revenge on Thya for hiding his sister's disease from everyone and 'causing' her death. But Thya refuses to interact with anyone for years, blaming herself for having such ability. Later on when the Crown Princess Trials are announced, Daisuke made his parents summon Thya so she is obligated to participate. But afraid that she might end up dying while spending a year in the Imperial Palace, she decides to look at herself in the mirror and confront her fear. To her dismay, she saw her dying by Daisuke's dagger two years from that moment. And that puts her on edge. After all her efforts to runaway go to waste, she has to go and face her best friend's brother and sworn enemy. But little did they know that hatred is the closest feeling to love."

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Chapter 1

"She’d escaped me once. She’d not do it again. I am the brother of the Alpha of the Asara Pack. I did everything she asked of me. She was a queen up on her throne. I was her Captain of the Guard. Her secret assassin killing anyone who'd threaten her. I had declared my intent to claim her as my mate. And she had fled. Like the coward she is. Still she went ahead and seduced me, bidding me do whatever vile thing she commanded. Now she claims to rule this kingdom. However, her people are starving and her new fiancé is to blame. But will she hear a word of it? Of course not! Well, I've found a way to make her listen. To no longer allow her to deny what she really is. To rip her from her sanctuary amongst the humans. It's high time she learn a she-wolf’s place in this realm. She needs a real king, and it won't be that sniveling lord with designs on her. It's going to be me. She’ll learn I'm no longer hers to command. She is mine."

"In a young democratic country previously divided by race with a painful past still deeply embedded in everyone’s minds. Steve Marlone takes on a mission to bring everyone together. His life takes an unexpected turn when he falls for a fellow advocate and activist who is haunted by a horrendous past that makes it impossible for her to see beyond race and accept non racial society. Will their attraction heal old wounds and silence the nightmares or be the very trigger that starts a full blown civil war?"

The first time Javier Marquez met Claire Weiss, her kid kept calling him Dad. With this one event, two unexpected people crashed into his life. He’s the ruthless and decisive ruler of the business world, who doesn’t care for women and colder than ice. Yet, he inevitably falls for this woman, losing himself to her completely…

In a world where he has everything most people only dream of, Ryker can't imagine anything more he might desire until, in a shocking twist, he finds himself married to Claire, the woman who drove him insane. One fateful night, a stupid mistake set off a chain of events that would change everything. In a long-awaited moment, she is finally his wife. To keep her, he'll do everything. Intriguingly, does she expect a lifetime with him?

"""Who are you?"" I ask, gawking at this ugly man who looks like the devil himself. ""Your savior."" savior? I may not remember anything from my past, but one thing is for sure, according to my judgment: this monster-lookalike can't be a savior. And from whom did he supposedly save me? ""And if you are done ogling me, now, on your knees. Time to serve the purpose for which I saved you."" I am snapped out of my thoughts by him tearing his shirt and walking closer in a pretty unnerving way. ""Whi...ch is?"" I whimper, trying to stand up from the bed and perhaps run for my dear life. Unfortunately, he grabs me viciously before I can take a step. A loud growl slips from my lips as he slams me back on the bed and hovers atop me. ""To please me, little dove."" He hoarses, embarking on his evil, dirty mission."

"Kylie's understanding of herself is limited to her memories. From what she remembers she has been an average girl all her life. However, those around her perceive things differently. Her best friend Davies argues that she is uncommon since she has always been faster and stronger than most of her peers; and her intelligence is nothing to scoff at. Studying at one of the best universities in the country, Kylie's life takes a strange twist when she awakens from a nightmare. Was that really just a nightmare? Or was it something else?"